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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


China|2-5 years|
White label MT5|Regional Brokers|High potential risk|


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WillForex-Demo MT5
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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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Will Forex Limited

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-07-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 21 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!

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Will · WikiFX Survey

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Pyramid scheme complaint

    Will · Company Summary

    Since Will Forex Limteds official website ( cannot be opened for now, we could only piece together the rough picture of this brokerage house by gathering some relevant information from other website.

    Aspect Information
    Registered Country/Area Hong Kong
    Founded Year 11 April 2021
    Company Name Will Forex Limited
    Regulation Not authorized or regulated by any regulatory authority
    Minimum Deposit Not disclosed
    Maximum Leverage Not specified
    Spreads From 0.1pips
    Trading Platforms MetaTrader 5 (MT5)
    Tradable Assets Not specified
    Account Types Not specified
    Customer Support No contact information provided

    General Information

    Incorporated on 11 April 2021, Will Forex Limited (short for “Will”) presents itself as a forex broker registered in Hong Kong, providing its clients a series of trading instruments. since this brokers official website cannot be accessed for now, we could not obtain more essential details on its products, service offered, minimum deposit, leverage, trading platform, withdrawal and deposit, and more. Will Forex Limited is not authorized or regulated by any regulatory authority. Please be aware of the risk.


    Pros and Cons

    Furthermore, it is important to objectively evaluate the pros and cons of Will. On the positive side, Will claims to offer access to the MT5 platform. However, it is crucial to consider the following limitations: a lack of regulation and authorization, an inaccessible official website, an unspecified minimum deposit requirement, and unknown trading leverage. These aspects warrant careful consideration when assessing the suitability and reliability of Will as a trading platform.

    Pros Cons
    Claims to offer access to the MT5 platform Lack of regulation and authorization
    Inaccessible official website
    Unspecified minimum deposit requirement
    Unknown trading leverage

    Is Will Legit?

    Based on the available information, Will Forex Limited, also known as Will, raises significant concerns regarding its legitimacy and reliability as a forex broker. The company claims to be registered in Hong Kong but lacks authorization and regulation from any regulatory authority. This absence of regulation poses a substantial risk to potential traders. Additionally, the official website of Will Forex Limited is inaccessible, limiting access to crucial information about their products, services, minimum deposit requirement, leverage, trading platform, and withdrawal and deposit processes.

    The lack of regulatory oversight and the unavailability of detailed information make it difficult to assess the credibility of Will Forex Limited. Traders are strongly advised to exercise caution when considering this broker due to the potential risks involved. It is crucial to prioritize regulated and authorized brokers to ensure the security of funds and compliance with industry standards.


    Minimum Deposit

    Will Forex does not disclose its minimum initial deposit requirement and the most common minimum deposit requirement is usually $250. Given the fact that this broker is an unregulated, traders are not advised to use this broker.


    Will Forex does not elaborate on its trading leverage applied. Since leverage can magnify gains, it can also cause serious fund losses, especially to inexperienced traders. Therefore, it is wise for beginners to choose the smaller size no more than 1:10 until they gain more trading experience.


    The available information about Will Forex Limited indicates that the spreads offered by this broker start from 0.1 pips. Spreads refer to the difference between the bid and ask prices of a financial instrument, such as a currency pair, and are a significant factor in determining trading costs. A lower spread generally indicates lower trading costs and can be advantageous for traders, particularly those who engage in high-frequency trading.

    Pros and Cons

    Pros Cons
    Competitive spreads starting from 0.1 pips Lack of transparency and regulation
    Potential for lower trading costs Uncertainty about the accuracy of quoted spreads
    Limited information about spread variations
    Possible risks associated with an unregulated broker

    Trading Platform

    Will Forex provides access to the industry-leading MT5 trading platform, which can be accessed on any device, Windows, Desktop, IOS, and Android. The MT5 trading platform offers a powerful set of tools available with one click, a flexible trading system, technical and fundamental analysis, professional MQL5 development environment, multi-currency tester and alerts.

    Customer Support

    Worryingly, this forex broker does not leave contact information for clients with any inquiries to get in touch with them, which could be served as further evidence that this broker is an unreliable to trade with.

    Negative Reviews

    The number of the complaints received by WikiFX has reached 21 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam! Some traders shared their awful trading experience on this platform, saying it is just a fraud platform taking away their hard-earned money. Come to the WikiFX to see the whole story.



    In conclusion, Will Forex Limited, also known as Will, presents several disadvantages that overshadow any potential advantages. The lack of regulation and authorization from any regulatory authority raises significant concerns about the legitimacy and reliability of this broker. Additionally, the inaccessible official website, unspecified minimum deposit requirement, unknown trading leverage, and absence of customer support contact information further contribute to the potential risks associated with trading with Will Forex Limited. Negative reviews and complaints alleging fraudulent activities and fund losses add to the skepticism surrounding this broker.

    On the positive side, Will claims to offer access to the popular MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform, which is widely recognized and used in the industry. However, the lack of transparency and regulation associated with Will Forex Limited should raise caution when considering using this platform.

    In light of these disadvantages and risks, traders are strongly advised to prioritize regulated and authorized brokers that provide transparency, reliability, and accountability. It is crucial to exercise caution and thoroughly research brokers before engaging in trading activities to ensure the security of funds and compliance with industry standards.


    Q: Is Will Forex Limited regulated?

    A: No, Will Forex Limited is not authorized or regulated by any regulatory authority.

    Q: What is the minimum deposit requirement for Will Forex Limited?

    A: The minimum deposit requirement for Will Forex Limited is not disclosed.

    Q: What is the maximum leverage offered by Will Forex Limited?

    A: The maximum leverage offered by Will Forex Limited is not specified.

    Q: What are the spreads offered by Will Forex Limited?

    A: Will Forex Limited offers spreads starting from 0.1 pips.

    Q: What trading platform does Will Forex Limited use?

    A: Will Forex Limited uses the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform.

    Q: What types of accounts are available with Will Forex Limited?

    A: The account types offered by Will Forex Limited are not specified.

    Q: Is Will Forex Limited a legitimate broker?

    A: Based on the available information, there are concerns about the legitimacy and reliability of Will Forex Limited due to the lack of regulation, inaccessible website, and negative reviews.

    Q: Can I trust Will Forex Limited with my funds?

    A: It is not advisable to trust Will Forex Limited with your funds due to the lack of regulation and the associated risks.

    Q: Can I access customer support from Will Forex Limited?

    A: Will Forex Limited does not provide any contact information for customer support, which hinders effective communication and assistance.

    Q: What are the pros of trading with Will Forex Limited?

    A: The pros of trading with Will Forex Limited include claiming to offer access to the popular MT5 trading platform.

    Q: What are the cons of trading with Will Forex Limited?

    A: The cons of trading with Will Forex Limited include the lack of regulation, inaccessible official website, unspecified minimum deposit requirement, and unknown trading leverage.

    Q: Is it recommended to trade with Will Forex Limited?

    A: It is not recommended to trade with Will Forex Limited due to the lack of regulation, negative reviews, and limited information available. It is advised to consider regulated alternatives.

    Risk Warning

    Trading leveraged products such as forex, cryptocurrencies and derivatives may not be suitable for all investors as they carry a high degree of risk to your capital. Please ensure that your fully understand the risks involved, taking into account your investments objectives and level of experience. The information presented in this article is intended solely for reference purposes.

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    more than one year
    As a trader, I strongly advise against using Will Forex as a trading broker. They closed my orders without any explanation, and my stop-loss orders didn't work at all. On top of that, the spreads were ridiculously high, and their customer service team was unhelpful and only interested in pushing blame on me. Save yourself the headache and avoid Will Forex at all costs.
    2023-03-23 18:31
    more than one year
    I have been with them for the past 2 years or so. But now it’s time to move! I made a withdrawal on the 10th of February, 2022. One year has passed, but I haven’t gotten my money back. I hate these bad guys! They don’t have hearts!!
    2023-02-23 17:43


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