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I made profit but can not withdrawal
I opened an account and deposited funds on AMMarkets. Because I caught up with unilateral rising market, I had a full position and long positions, and all profits were not lost. Just because there is no loss-making, they were saying that I have violated the rules, withdrawal application has not been processed since May 4th, until the platform asked me to sign unfair agreement on May 31st, which is to give a part of profit (30%). I was forced to collect money from bank, and online loan platform urged me to pay back money, so I could only get a part of it back to solve the immediate difficulties. They did not return remaining 10,532 US dollars, and asked to close my background. Such a black heart [d83d][dda4] platform is too disgusting, the platform hacks my hard-earned money. The unfair terms given by platform are as follows: Please initiate a withdrawal application of $4515.00 USD in CRM background of customer, and send an email to The content of the email: I, XXX, admit to obtaining profits in AM MARKETS through abnormal trading methods, and now agree to distributor’s proposal plan. 30% profit ($4515.00) in addition to the principal that has been withdrawn. After the withdrawal is successful, the CRM background login is closed, and the MT trading account is closed. Such a black-hearted [d83d][dda4] platform invites everyone to comment on why the profit is not given. Keep your eyes open [d83d][dc40] and don’t be blackmailed by AM platform again. Please also ask relevant departments to come out to uphold justice for me and return my hard-earned money. I promise that everything I said is true, and I will bear full legal responsibility if there is any fiction.
Refuse to give me my profits
I opened an account with AMMarkets platform and deposited money for trading. Because of the upward trend of the market, I held a full position of long stocks, and all my profits were profitting. However, the platform said I violated trading rules because I did not have any losses. Since May 4th, I have been applying for a withdrawal and have not received any response. On May 31st, the platform asked me to sign an imparity clause, which stated that I would give up 30% of my profits. Due to pressure from my bank and payment platform, I was only able to retrieve part of my money to address my current difficulties. The remaining $10,532 was not given to me, and the platform requested that my CRM be closed. This platform is extremely greedy and unethical. They are stealing my hard-earned money. Here is the imparity clause that the platform provided: "Please submit a $4,515 USD withdrawal request through the CRM backend and send an email to with the following content: 'I, XXX, acknowledge that I have obtained profits through illegal trading methods at AM MARKETS, and I agree to accept the vendor's proposal. The withdrawal will be processed after the principal has been withdrawn, and a 30% profit ($4,515 USD) will be released. After the withdrawal is successful, the CRM backend will be closed and the MT account will be closed." This platform is extremely unethical and should be judged by all. Please help me retrieve my money and restore my faith in trading platforms. I promise to assume all legal responsibility if any of my statements are false.
Make profits to the platform without giving money
I opened an account and deposited funds on the AM Markets platform. Because I caught up with the unilateral rising market, I had a full position and long positions, and all profits were not lost. Just because there is no loss-making, platform said that I have violated the rules.The withdrawal application has not been processed since May 4th, until the platform asked me to sign the Overlord agreement on May 31st, which is to give a part of the profit (30%). I was forced to collect the money from the bank, and the online loan platform urged me to pay back the money, so I could only get a part of it back to solve the immediate difficulties. The remaining 10,532 US dollars platform did not give me, and asked to close my background. Such a black-heart platform is too disgusting, the platform hacks my hard-earned money. The Overlord terms were provided by the platform as follows: Please initiate a withdrawal application of $4515.00 in the CRM background of the customer, and send an email to The content of the email: I, XXX, admit to obtaining profits in AM MARKETS through abnormal trading methods, and now agree to the distributor’s proposal plan. 30% profit ($4515.00) in addition to the principal that has been withdrawn. After the withdrawal is successful, the CRM background login is closed, and the MT trading account is closed. I invite everyone to comment on why the profit is not given for this black-heart platform. Keep your eyes open and don’t be blackmailed by the AM platform again. Please also ask the relevant departments to come out to uphold justice for me and return my hard-earned money. I promise that everything I said is true, and I will bear full legal responsibility if there is any fiction.
$10532 without payment
I opened an account and deposited funds on the AMMarkets platform. Because I caught up with the unilateral rising market, I had a full position and long positions, and all profits were not lost. Platform said that I have violated the rules just because there is no loss-making .The withdrawal application has not been processed since May 4th, until the platform asked me to sign the overlord agreement on May 31st, which is to give a part of the profit (30%). I was forced to collect the money from the bank, and the online loan platform urged me to pay back the money, so I could only get a part of it back to solve the immediate difficulties. The platform did not give the rest of $10,532 , and asked to close my background. Such a black platform is too disgusting, the platform was robbing me of my hard-earned money. The overlord agreement provided by the platform were as follows: Please initiate a withdrawal application of $4515.00 USD in the CRM background of the customer, and sent an email to The content of the email: I, XXX, admit to obtaining profits in AM MARKETS through abnormal trading methods, and now agree to the distributor’s proposal plan. 30% profit ($4515.00) in addition to the principal that has been withdrawn. After the withdrawal was successful, the CRM background login was closed, and the MT trading account was also closed. So I invited everyone to comment this black platform on why the profit was not given. Keep your eyes open and don’t be blackmailed by the AM platform again. Please also ask the relevant departments to come out to uphold justice for me and return my hard-earned money. I promise that everything I said was true, and I would bear full legal responsibility if there was any fiction.
10532 USD without payment
I opened an account for deposit trading on the AMMarkets platform, and due to the unilateral upward trend, I had a full position with multiple orders, all of which were profitable without any losses. Just because no loss making platform accused me of illegal trading, I applied for a deposit on May 4th and was not processed until May 31st when the platform asked me to sign the Overlord Agreement, which means that I will receive a portion of the profit (30%). I am facing the situation of being urged by banks to collect money and being urged to repay money by online lending platforms. I am forced to retrieve a portion of it to solve the current difficulties. The platform refused to give me the remaining $10532 and requested to close my backend. This kind of black hearted platform is too disgusting, platform black I sweat money. The overbearing terms provided by the platform are as follows: Please request the customer's CRM backend to initiate a $4515.00 USD withdrawal request and send an email to Email content: I, XXX, acknowledge that I have obtained profits from AM Markets through abnormal trading methods, and now agree to the proposal of the circulation merchant. 30% profit ($4515.00) in addition to the principal already paid out. After successful withdrawal, the CRM backend login is closed, and the MT trading account is closed. This kind of unscrupulous platform invites everyone to comment and reason why profits are not given. Everyone should keep their eyes open and not be blackmailed by the AM platform again. Please also ask relevant departments to come out and uphold justice for me, and repay my hard-earned money. I promise that everything I say is true, and if there is any fiction, I will bear all legal responsibilities
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